You can check out selected publications below or on my CV. If a paywall is standing between you and something I've written, please drop me a line.
Selected Publications
Orosco, O and Ybarra, M (in press) “The datafication of environmental injustice.” Capitalism Nature Socialism
Muñoz, L and Ybarra, M (2024) “Latinx geographies.” In Chen, G and Eaves, L (eds) How to Foster Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in Geography. (pp 74-81). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar
Ybarra, M (2023) “Indigenous to where? Homelands and nation (pueblo) in Indigenous Latinx studies." Latino Studies 21: 22 - 41.
N Morgan, C Serrano, C Samuels, SA Smythe and M Ybarra (2022) “Reflections on Cops Off Campus and Everywhere Else Movements, from 2020 and beyond.” Society & Space Magazine, published October 31, 2022.
Carrasco, W. and Ybarra, M (2021) Unjust Enrichment: The struggle for fair wages and an end to all immigrant cages., published June 2021.
Ybarra, M (2021) "Site Fight! Towards the abolition of immigrant detention on Tacoma’s Tar Pits (and everywhere else)”. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography: 53(1): 36 – 55.
Heynen, N and M. Ybarra (2021) “On Abolition Ecologies and Making Freedom as a Place”, Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography 53(1): 21 – 35.
Ybarra, M (2020) Guerras Verdes: Conservación y Descolonización en la Selva Maya. Guatemala City, Guatemala: Asociación para el Avance de las Ciencias Sociales en Guatemala (AVANCSO). Autores Invitados No 29. (272 pages) Available open access via CLACSO:
Revised translation of Green Wars; with prologue by Gladys Tzul Tzul and epilogue by Jennifer J. Casolo.
Ybarra, M (2019) "We are not ignorant': Transnational migrants’ experiences of racialized securitization." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 37(2): 197-215.
Ybarra, M (2019) "On becoming a Latinx Geographies Killjoy." Society & Space Magazine;, published January 23, 2019
Ybarra, M (2017) Green Wars: Conservation and Decolonization in the Maya Forest. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
Ybarra, M and Peña, IL (2017) "We Don’t Need Money, We Need to be Together”: Forced Transnationality in Deportation’s Afterlives. Geopolitics 22: 34-50.